For those of you looking for something to do... Here is a list of 100 things to do when you're bored! I'm determined to think only of things that do not involve a television or computer!
- Read
- Go for a walk. (Wear a pedometer to see how many steps you take each day. Aim for 10 000 per day.)
- Call up a friend
- Bake
- Go shopping
- Teach yourself something new
- Do some gardening
- Go for a run
- Go to the gym or join a gym
- Draw
- Paint
- Go somewhere new and explore
- Take pictures
- Take a class
- Go swimming
- Find a new recipe and try it (your local library should have cook books)
- Listen to music
- Play cards
- Play a board game
- Write (anything from a journal entry or poem to a whole book!)
- Walk your dog, if you don't have a dog call up a friend and ask if they want to walk their dog, or offer to walk a neighbour's
- Make a mini movie! Get some friends together and make a script. It sounds juvenile, but it is actually a lot of fun! When you watch it again some time later you won't be able to stop laughing!
- Do a puzzle
- People watch at the park
- Clean!
- Make a scavenger/treasure hunt. Give it to some friends to try. Give the winner a prize.
- Learn crochet
- Learn to knit
- Prepare a picnic. Share it with a friend!
- Hot out? Water fight!!
- Write yourself a letter, put it away and read it again in a year, 5 years, or even 10 years from now!
- Make a fruit smoothie
- Is it snowing? Have a snowball fight, go sledding.
- Design your dream home
- Challenge yourself, write for 5 minutes straight. Don't stop, and don't erase or correct anything you write.
- Play sudoku
- Play kakuro
- Do some push ups or sit ups.
- Call, text, or write a letter to someone you've lost touch with. They'll be happy to hear from you!
- Do some laundry
- Sing at the top of your lungs and dance like a crazy person! You'll feel so much better after.
- Clean your fridge
- Try a new restaurant
- Go grocery shopping. Buy a food that you don't normally try.
- Volunteer
- Make a shopping list
- Give yourself a makeover
- Make a collage
- Meditate. It'll clear your mind.
- Do Yoga, you can find poses on the internet and on youtube
- Do a crossword
- Make some tea and relax
- Make your own pizza!
- Fill a box of things to give away or to sell at a garage sale
- Plan your next vacation
- Make a to do list for the next week
- Go for a bike ride
- Make a bucket list
- Play a prank on someone
- Join a club or new acitivity
- Make a scrapbook
- Go to a museum
- Go camping!
- Learn to sew. Make a blanket or something!
- Prepare this weeks meals in advance
- Get some friends, have a paper airplane contest. Bet on it.
- Start composting
- Learn a new language
- Toss a frisbee with a friend. Or football.
- Make a list of things to get people for Christmas
- Make a wish list for Christmas
- Learn to play an instrument
- Plan a road trip with your friends
- Read the newspaper. Get up to date on current events.
- Join a book club
- Buy a new magazine
- Build a fort!
- Stargaze
- Go to your local theater and watch a play
- Go skating or rollerblading
- Go to a pool hall and play some pool
- Go kayaking
- Help someone out
- Make your own puzzle
- Put pictures in frames and decorate your place
- Go play laser tag!
- Jump rope! It's really good exercise, and really good for a healthy heart!
- Pamper yourself, give yourself a manicure and facial or, even better, go get it done!
- Study! If you're a student , study for school. If you aren't you should then study something new.
- Go to the used book store, pick up a bunch of books. You can find some real jems there, for really cheap.
- Sit outside and enjoy the fresh air. If it's cold up, bundle up and make a cup of hot chocolate!
- Say hi and start talking to someone new.
- Try fencing! It's fun!
- Start a business plan
- Try martial arts
- Do Qi Gong or Tai Chi. You can find videos on youtube.
- Listen to an audio book (You can do this while you do a number of other thing,eg. cleaning, going for a walk, pampering yourself...)
- Make a recipe book full of your favourite recipes
- Bob-It! Best game ever! You can play it alone, or with someone. Warning: It's very addicting.
- Write your own list of 100!
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